
Aug 4 20

Are you present? How do you know?

Ask yourself, “Where are my feet”?

Invite them to move gently back and forth or side to side to HOW are they moving?

WHAT is the pressure like? Light, Heavy, easy or difficult?

WHERE is the pressure; all in your heels? toes?

Your feet are weighted properly when your standing like a camera on a tripod.  Weight is on the front “pad” (fatty part) both big and little toe sides and the heel; you should be able to feel all three points.  Maybe bend your knees and make sure you are breathing.

WHAT story am I telling myself right now?  Is what is happening on my insides reflecting on my outsides? For example if my stomach hurts and I’m laughing with friends I may not be “matching” from the inside-out.

Are you still trying to “figure it out” or are you actually being with RIGHT NOW?  What’s actually here now?

What’s here now if there are no problems to solve?  AND again, How do you know?

Being present means fully enjoying the moment that you are in. It is the moment when you are calm and you know exactly what you want.

Learn more about your FULL BODY YES’s and NO’s with a FREE 30-minute introductory session thru 12/31/2020

“Smile, breathe and go slowly” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Match your steps to your breath to pull yourself back in the present moment.

Visions of Success © 2025