
Jan 12 21

Choosing Your Next Coach or Therapist

I read an article that lit me up and I wanted to share with all of you!

We ‘humans’ require active practicing to understand our full body Yes’s and No’s while navigating our awareness paths.  Odds are what works for me won’t work for you AND tapping into our TRUEST core (Innerself) opens up space and yummy A-has!

When searching for your life’s purpose consider listening your body’s intelligence. What do you FEEL from your whole body knowing? not what you “think” you should do.  I can honestly say that my job as a life coach is is not “talk therapy” you can go to your best friend for this.

Recently, we’ve all shared in a global pandemic, a threatened US democracy and personal losses (e.g. job, homes, social life).  As she mentions in the article,  as I quote

There are several routes that you can take toward self-improvement

At one time I was very vested on what degrees and certifications I hung on my wall, long before the International Coaching Federation became the buzz.  What this article lacks on is the coaches Individual education and what her definition of “rigorous standards” are.  This is your homework.  I would say a good life coach will guide you by listening deeply and offering exquisite questions designed towards whole healing. Ultimately, I agree that a life coach is someone who can support you no matter what’s going on in your world.

We do not live in a world of “either / or” so if you find yourself between white and black with no gray, you may want to get curious and wonder what else? or hire a partner to support you in living and designing your best life!

If you genuinely care about the goal, you’ll focus on the system – James Clear


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