
Sep 18 17

Sweat the Small Stuff!

Sweat the Small Stuff

I came across an article this morning yet again saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff” and this just feels like belly fire for me.  I feel angst with raised shoulders and anger pouring through the keyboard saying, STOP! CHOOSE to sweat the small stuff especially in relationships (i.e. self, intimate, best friend, co-worker, etc.).

I’m a speaker and survivor of Scleroderma and all those (so called) “little” things piled up on an internal shelf until it broke and auto-immunity became my God smack!

Choosing NOT to speak has a price

The price increases when we aren’t listening… sometimes including your own health!

What previously happened when “something small happened”, internally I could “feel” yet almost immediately chose to overrode the body’s wisdom with this OLD saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.

Today, I strongly suggest and choose and address every bit of the small stuff; because in my experience it piles up!  There is a way to be angry, sad, happy, despondent or irritated (etc.) with yourself or in relation to others without causing permanent damage to yourself or others by honoring and listening to yourself.  The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.

Ask yourself, How Do I forget about me?  When Do I forget about me?  AND the most important question is what am I willing to create something different instead?  I want to share my visionary gifts and learn about your creative intuitive genius.

Check out Rory Sutherland’s Ted Talk and Sweat the Small Stuff

TEDSalon London 2010
Rory Sutherland

Another Great Little Book on Why “The Little Things” needs our attention by Andy Andrews

Are you ready to begin creating a life beyond your imagination?

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection — Buddha

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