
Dec 29 22

Growing in Grace











I awoke in curiosity, wondering how to “focus” on what needed to be done this day. I tapped in to what my whole body wanted being quite different leading me to a book my Mom had bought me years ago. I wish it had a date, but it was just signed

To Gina,
Love, Mom

I believe the universe sends us signals, guiding us to what we most need or want.
Today, the universe sent me a clear message and invitation.

My invitation to you, is to pause
Take a moment to take a slow, deep inhale (maybe lowering your shoulders), repeating as many times until you feel your whole-body. Open to see what wants to download or what Ah-ha’s are possible in this moment.

A buinocular view at my current reality; choosing to end an intimate relationship.

How do I leave someone I love?

How do I leave someone I see myself growing old with?

How do I do alone “again!”

Am I that “cat lady”

_______________  your story, fear or excuses that shift you out of Integrity

He was involved in a messy divorce for nearly five years when we met. I committed to be invisible wjile child custody was going on, to not affect his outcome. I did not take in to consideration how this would affect my outcome.

When I would tell him about my thoughts, he would say, “Can’t you make up better thoughts“, so I began to think maybe I was crazy. I was willing to devalue myself to have the chance of being loved by him.

I’ve learned that I am not willing to beg to be loved nor fight for someone’s attention.

I learned I can be in a relationship and not lose myself. I’m learning to trust myself, and today of all days the universe hands me a book titled, “Growing in Grace”

Much Love,

Photo Credit: @shotbycerqueira
For more affirmation, Genesis 2:8-25

Nov 30 17

Gratitude at Ground Zero without the catastrophy

When we hear “Ground Zero” the mind vividly recalls the world center trade bombing of 1993, but “Ground Zero” began long before 911. The Napa, California Fires; The Puerto Rico and Texas Flooding and major world crisis can all fall under this same category.  Learning Gratitude from Ground Zero.

“Ground Zero” in 1946 described atomic attacks in Japan; in 1977 becoming an act of non-violence.  Ground Zero is described as the personal point of the most severe damage or destruction.  Ground Zero brings us to places where we see how little is in our control

Become Ground Zero in this movement — David Orr

Hmmmm, I wonder why it requires a catastrophic event (the point of the most severe damage or destruction) to generate the surreal stillness that leads to community, love and healing?

In the absence of love and belonging, there is always suffering. Always — Brene Brown

My theory and personal experience is that we won’t escape hardship, disappointment and tragedies.  It’s true that “Persistence is resistance”, so there’s no use trying to detour, bypass or avoid these necessary feelings and emotions sometimes judged as inappropriate, wrong or worse sub-human behavior.  I’ve found gems through distress.  Life’s Journey is not a perpetuating smile cruising alongside joy with uninterrupted happiness and sexual delights.

History does not need to teach us every lesson.  Wisdom, Education and Maturation can open up delightful, easeful ways to cultivate, arouse and awaken our conscious listening ears and open mind loosening Ego’s grip prior to the Godsmack or “Surface Zero” We choose how long to stay in the meandering.  We can choose succession, flow and adjust course.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. — haruki murakami

Human civilization is around 6,000 years.  I see myself in every human.  How long must “we” examine and research before we find our Ground Zero?  This surreal, humbling corner that brings up full-on gratitude.  Today, (this moment) I invite you to your personal “surface zero” in gratitudes, like indoor plumbing, flooring, appliances, walls, roofs and the almighty health.

The greatest Wealth is Health – Sarchar Leone

I pray for a world full of close community, connection and nuturing love bringing people up in humanizing versus the dehumanizing that strips human qualities’ away (i.e. racism, categorizing or verbal abuse).  I believe each of us has our own unique connection to our God (purpose) and we are all shining our heart lights together creating magic in wonderment!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31

It is a time to Brave the Wilderness as so eloquently written by Brene Brown.  You can find more about her book on her blog

Be kind to one another, everbody has their own struggles, stay humble

Aug 31 16

Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself meter sign concept illustration design graphic

Are you a Drill Sargent? Task Master? or maybe a Control Freak?
Are your old tired stories getting boring? maybe not giving you the same hit that they previously provided?

We tell ourselves all the time that we should “let it go.” We feel the cost of holding on so tightly. We know that it’s a good idea to let go of stories from the past that are dragging us down, but how do you do it? I’ll share six words with you… “Pay attention to your aliveness meter”

When you are in these characters, do you feel a drain of energy when you’re doing it? or does your aliveness meter get fed? Do you understand energy can cost your health, your presence, your happiness! Don’t give it away! Find out what feeds you cause this is the stuff I’m talking about!!! The juicy stuff!!! The times that life just seems too good, yes, I want to live there and not just part of the time, all of the time!

We cannot make people do things, we cannot get lost in a bunch of tasks nor are we able to try and control. The key word being “try”, as most things on the planet are outside of our control. In fact, about the only thing that is in your control is how you decide to respond to life. Everything else…whether people will like you, how people will feel when you tell them something, what other people think, whether someone keeps their agreements with you…ALL are outside of your control.

Devote yourself to your aliveness, stand up for it, listen for its voice. Notice when your aliveness is up and flowing and notice when it’s dropping. It is your true guide. Are you willing to let it go and choose your full on aliveness?

I wrote this article about a year ago today on Visions of Success Facebook; however today felt I myself needed a reminder.    Awareness of what “your results are” is a big clue to what your committed to creating.  Today, I will commit and appreciate in Visions of Success’ Facebook group “Life Changing Play”, I invite you to come join our creative “play”ground.


Much Love,

Feb 29 16

Visions of Success continues to empower ENOUGH!

Coming from a place of ENOUGH

Spend it ANY way you want, YOUR Choice – REALLY IT IS !!!

Claim YOUR time, it’s YOURS!!!  Guilt FREE!!!

How does attachment take my time? What is attachment?  Attachment to Money? Attachment to Spouse?  Attachment to all those things I say I Need to do!  There are many things we attach ourselves to unconsciously, which does not always allow us to manifest what we desire & want most.  What if I asked you to create from a place of ENOUGH.  Enough Time, Enough Money, Enough Food, Enough Love (I could go on here), but simply start at “Creating from Enough” without allowing your attention to wander to the past or the future.

So, coming from a place of “I have no time” what are you talking about?  I have to get up early get the kids out the door, or maybe it’s “I need to drop my spouse of at work because we only have one car right now?!” or maybe the excuse is well “If I stop doing and start being then I’ll be bored” or maybe there’s a story of “I’ll be alone” or worse maybe “I’ll be alone with nothing to do” not much curiosity or presence in those statements, just a bunch of fear based induced conclusions!

Starting from ENOUGH consciously brings experience in the present.  Check in right now and bring awareness to what YOUR doing in this moment, Are you being fed or drained?  When you begin to experience claiming YOUR time, standing right here in the “NOW”  having nothing to do with the circumstances around you; and not allowing thought to take you out of your experience it’s a completely different experience and often brings gifts and surprises!

I can attest that I feel more on track when claiming my time, it’s MINE!!!  I can share that some of my other obligations that actually bring me more revenue, but coming from a place of ENOUGH I don’t NEED revenue, I have everything I need.  It’s a very special commitment to self.  I can choose to create more not because I need to, but because I want to.

Pay close attention, listen deeply and notice how excited and fueled with everything you do from that place of enough-ness!  Know that you are being fueled by trust rather than fear and now spreading a contagious level of inspiration to all those around you to want the same.

We no longer need excuses to not go out with a friend, call in sick, not clean the house.  We don’t need another story to enjoy the time we want to see what experience can happen from that place of “I have enough Time” That everything is and will be alright if I take care of myself first.  Even in the airplane, you put the oxygen mask on 1st before placing on your child, but what if you never needed the oxygen system? — Are you ready to commit to having enough time?  Take it even a step further… Are you willing to Having enough of everything and witness the difference of the experience coming from this place?  “Everything you want is on the other side of fear” — Rumi


Gina Velez

Business, Life and Relationship Coach

We manifest our visions long before we create them!

Seamlessly integrating Starting at Enough

Sep 8 15

Are you contributing to your spiritual fund?

Contributing towards your retirement or savings accounts is a habitual practice, but how regularly are you make a deposit in your spiritual fund? How often do you pledge yourself to go inward, meditate, listen or pray? These are fundamental investments, ones that will continue to give back with undeniable returns over and over again!

How do I know my spiritual fund is running low…

  • I begin to want to be alone (cave it!)
  • My life seems more of a mundane household chore than an adventure
  • Feeling depleted, fragile, burnt out!
  • Want to blame others
  • Grumpy or resentful

Honestly, I have yet to achieve “daily” deposits, but have enough tools in my life that I can recognize or call out for support when needed.  Today, I make weekly deposits, which is better than I could have ever imagined gifted myself!  When we begin to changes it doesn’t happen overnight, but with small incremental commitments, one day it will just happen and become a ritual (habit). It will feel so natural that you’ll wonder why you didn’t start this years ago as you laugh out loud and love yourself!   Making these weekly deposits will create a more positive, joyful and intuitive being.  We all have loads of things to tend to in our busy lives, with our work, our bodies, our homes, our children, our relationships, and the list goes on. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and think that there isn’t enough time, but what I’ve found is that with some regularity, a little bit of time goes a long way.

I practice not by sitting in a corner with my thumbs together going “ohm” now, I’m not judging or saying that’s wrong, there is no wrong or right way to meditate, these are how I receive my spiritual funding. We all have our unique methodologies that work best for our individual bodies.  I find a day in my garden, or long morning stretches or allowing myself a bit of extra time to just lay, even connecting each stretch with sound, but really allowing each part of my body to “at it’s own pace” awaken to the day!  If the morning time must be on a strict time limitation, You may decide to incorporate a 15-min. practice at the end of your day as simple as “legs up the wall” until your body says “OK I’m done now”, trust me if you listen the body will reveal and usually a lot more than we expect!  When the car runs out of gas, we fill it.  When our relationship is mundane, we go on a date, so why not listen to our bodies and slow down to gently give the spiritual tank a refill?  Make an agreement today to listen to your body and allow it’s voice to be heard is enough ? Another tool to consider is the “Insight Timer App” which is available on both iPhone and Android devices Insight Timer

“Leg’s up the Wall”


Nevertheless, maybe movement is not the meditation you’re ready for even tho’ I highly recommend movement, maybe you would like to create a spiritual log and journal just to get the information downloaded.  Sometimes we cannot move without first dumping the stored data, then after the download of that which no longer serves us has been cleared, it can allow more space for maybe questions you want to explore and then await what answers may come when you allow yourself to write in a stream of consciousness!

Finally, I guarantee these fundamental practices are a pathway to vitality, more breath, more passion and connection with God, Universe and Spirit.  You will notice incremental changes that lead to more creative flow and each day you do it, the power grows.  I invite you to make more deposits into your own spiritual fund and drink from the well of your own practice to replenish the richness of your life!

Much Love,






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